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World Of Fighters: Iron Fists

Pered vami onlayn igra World of Fighters: Iron Fists. Vy mozhete igrat' besplatno i bez blokirovki na Brightestgames.
V videoigre «World of Fighters: Iron Fists» igrok — politseyskiy, kotoromu predstoit proyti cherez gorod, polnyy prestupnosti. Bandity i drugiye prestupniki nizshego urovnya zakhvatili bol'shiye uchastki zemli i vyzvali besporyadki po vsemu rayonu. V posledneye vremya oni nachali vryvat'sya v doma lyudey, chto bylo sovershenno neozhidanno i nezaplanirovano. Ostal'nym lyudyam nadoyelo, i oni khotyat, chtoby geroi v etoy oblasti chto-to sdelali. Nam nuzhno ochistit' obshchestvo, izbavivshis' ot samykh opasnykh prestupnikov. Davayte izbavimsya ot plokhikh parney, rabotaya vmeste s khoroshimi parnyami, chtoby ostanovit' ikh.

World of Fighters: Iron Fists — eto fayting.
V novoy onlayn-igre World of Fighters: Iron Fists vy smozhete prinyat' uchastiye v legendarnom turnire po rukopashnomu boyu Iron Fists. Vy budete delat' eto protiv professionalov, ispol'zuya raznyye sposoby bor'by. Kogda vy nachnete igrat' v igru, pervoye, chto vy sdelayete, eto vyberite geroya iz spiska. Vo vremya bitvy on pridumyval svoy unikal'nyy plan. Posle etogo vash geroy srazitsya so svoim vragom na arene, gde i sostoitsya boy. Kogda budete gotovy nachat' boy, skazhite «idi». Vasha tsel' — nokautirovat' protivnika seriyey udarov rukami, nogami i drugimi atakami, prezhde chem on smozhet vernut'sya. Kogda eto proizoydet, World of Fighters: Iron Fists srazu zhe dast vam pobedu i ochki. Takzhe nuzhno byt' gotovym k fizicheskomu nasiliyu.

World Of Fighters: Iron Fists dobavlen v kategorii:                          Action3DFightingHuntingBattle RoyaleSimulatorWarSurviveSingle-playerUnblockedWebGL1 PlayerGAMESunblocked 66unblocked 76

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Теги игры

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Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in March 13, 2023 and it was played 4.5k times since then. World Of Fighters: Iron Fists is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.64 / 5 iz 11 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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