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Thumb Wars

V chem sut' igry Thumb Wars?
Dobro pozhalovat' v mir «Thumb Wars», isklyuchitel'noy tsifrovoy adaptatsii klassicheskoy igry o bor'be na bol'shikh pal'tsakh. Uchastvuyte v konkurentnykh poyedinkakh s protivnikami, bud' to iskusstvennyy intellekt ili chelovecheskiye analogi, v etoy trebovatel'noy otsenke fizicheskogo masterstva i strategicheskoy ostroty.

Vybirayte iz shirokogo spektra netipichnykh bol'shikh pal'tsev, kazhdyy iz kotorykh imeyet svoyu unikal'nuyu estetiku. Kakova osnovnaya tsel' ili tsel'? Effektivno i bezopasno obezdvizhivayte bol'shoy palets protivnika, tem samym ustanavlivaya svoye prevoskhodstvo v kachestve neosporimogo pobeditelya v bitve po bor'be na bol'shikh pal'tsakh. Tem ne meneye, krayne vazhno priznat', chto v etoy konkretnoy situatsii sushchestvuyut i drugiye vazhnyye aspekty, pomimo fizicheskoy sily. Umeloye ispol'zovaniye strategii, raspredeleniye vremeni i upravleniye vynoslivost'yu igrayut reshayushchuyu rol' v dostizhenii pobedy.

Thumb Wars dobavlen v kategorii:                   ActionFightingAbilitySimulatorBoys1 PlayerUnblocked Games To Play At SchoolUnblocked games wtfGAMESunblocked 66unblocked 76MobilesAndroidiPadiPhoneTouchscreenTable.

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Reyting kontenta
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Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, vy mozhete prosmotret' videoinstruktsii, sovety i igrovoy protsess igry Thumb Wars na YouTube na sayte

Теги игры

#1 igrok, #2 igroka, #android, #fayting, #besplatno, #razvlecheniye, #smeshno, #ipad, #iphone, #mobil nyy, #refleks, #sensornyy ekran, #webgl, #igrat v onlayn igru thumb wars, #thumb wars razblokirovana, #interaktivnyye igry rhm, #mobil nyye telefony, #android, #ipad, #iphone, #sensornyy ekran, #planshet, #rasshirennyy metod razblokirovki igr, #razblokirovannyye igry dlya shkoly, #razblokirovannyye igry wtf, #razblokirovannyye igry 66, #razblokirovannyye igry 76

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in September 07, 2023 and it was played 5k times since then. Thumb Wars is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.67 / 5 iz 12 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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