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The Bodyguard
The Bodyguard
The Bodyguard: okhranyayte bossa v etoy zakhvatyvayushchey 3D-igre🎸 Ispytayte The Bodyguard, vysokooktanovuyu ekshn-igru, trebuyushchuyu navykov, dostupnuyu na BrightestGames.com v potryasayushchem 3D! Eto vash unikal'nyy shans, yesli vy vsegda khoteli stat' ochen' kompetentnym telokhranitelem.
Vasha prostaya, no opasnaya tsel' v etoy zakhvatyvayushchey igre — perekhvatyvat' rakety svoim telom, chtoby zashchitit' poslednego monstra ot ataki. Vashi refleksy, raschet vremeni i yasnost' prinyatiya resheniy budut proveryat'sya na kazhdom urovne.
Vnimatel'noye izucheniye igrovogo protsessa, elementov upravleniya i preimushchestv The Bodyguard pomozhet ponyat', pochemu ona vkhodit v chislo samykh zakhvatyvayushchikh onlayn-igr.
Predposylka takova: stan'te luchshim strazhem!
V The Bodyguard vy zanimayete pozitsiyu predannogo telokhranitelya, ch'ya glavnaya tsel' — zashchishchat' vidnogo gosudarstvennogo deyatelya ili general'nogo direktora vo vremya publichnykh meropriyatiy.
Sushchestvuyet neposredstvennaya opasnost'; oni natseleny na tochnyye vystrely, chtoby ubit' yego. Vasha tsel' — poglotit' rakety v bufernoy zone mezhdu agressorom i komandirom, tem samym obespechiv yemu zashchitu. Zvuchit prosto. Podumayte yeshche raz! Kazhdaya sekunda imeyet reshayushcheye znacheniye; dazhe malen'kaya oshibka mozhet imet' katastroficheskiye posledstviya.
Spasite Bossa lyubymi sposobami!
Vasha tsel' v etoy dinamichnoy igre — fizicheski zashchitit' monstra ot letyashchikh raket. U vas yest' mnozhestvo sposobov zashchitit' yego, v tom chisle:
Ispol'zuya sobstvennoye telo, raspolozhites' litsom k raketam, chtoby zashchitit' bossa.
odnovremenno zashchishchaya sebya, otklonyaya bossa ot trayektorii puli. Sleduya krasnoy linii, kotoraya pokazyvayet trayektoriyu puli, i tochno perekhvatyvaya yeye v nuzhnyy moment.
Telokhranitel' byl dobavlen v kategorii: Strategy, Action, GAMES, WebGL, HTML5, Unblocked, War, 3D, Boys, Cool Math Games, unblocked 66, unblocked 76, Unblocked Games to Play on School.
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The Bodyguard
Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 5
Prosmotrite videoinstruktsii, sovety i geympley YouTube igry The Bodyguard besplatno na Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#ekshn, #smeshnoy, #shuter, #1 igrok, #arena, #bronya, #boss, #regdoll, #simulyatsiya, #znamenitost, #parni, #simulyator, #temnaya igra, #igrat onlayn v igru telokhranitel, #telokhranitel razblokirovan, #mobil nyye telefony, #android, #ipad, #iphone, #sensornyy ekran, #planshet
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in September 18, 2024 and it was played 10.9k times since then. The Bodyguard is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 3.91 / 5 iz 66 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!