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Super Nintendo: Super Mario World

Prisoyedinyaytes' k onlayn-igre Super Nintendo: Super Mario World na Brightestgames, gde ona besplatna i ne zapreshchena.
I sygrayte v Super Mario World, otlichnyy primer traditsionnoy videoigry, kotoraya predstavlyayet soboy klassicheskuyu piksel'nuyu arkadnuyu igru. V etoy igre vy igrayete za Mario, a Yoshi — vash drug, kotoryy pomogayet vam spasti printsessu Poganku. Strana dinozavrov — ochen' strannoye mesto, i tam zhivet tvoy khoroshiy drug Yoshi. Vash drug propal, pytayas' spasti printsessu Poganku, i u vas net vozmozhnosti s nim svyazat'sya.

Kak ya mogu igrat' v Super Mario World ot Super Nintendo onlayn?
Dvizhushchayasya igrovaya ploshchadka sboku i karta nad golovoy sostavlyayut pol'zovatel'skiy interfeys igry. Na karte mira vy mozhete uvidet' kak zemnoy shar, tak i mnozhestvo razlichnykh sposobov yego peredvizheniya. Vy mozhete prisoyedinit'sya k igre, yesli voydete v igrovuyu zonu. Vam pridetsya prygat', begat' i izbegat' drugikh lyudey po mere prokhozhdeniya igry. Igrok poteryayet zhizn', yesli na nego napadet vrag, kogda yemu nechem zashchishchat'sya, yesli on upadet v yamu, iz kotoroy net vykhoda, yesli yego razdavyat ili yesli u nego zakonchitsya vremya. Blagodarya tochkam sokhraneniya gorazdo proshche prodolzhit' igru s togo mesta, gde vy ostanovilis'. V kazhdom mire yest' boss, kotorogo nuzhno pobedit', prezhde chem dvigat'sya dal'she.

Super Nintendo: Super Mario World dobavlena ​​v kategorii:                  KidsCartoonsMarioArcadeAbilityCool MarioRetroClassicOldUnblockedunblocked 66unblocked 76Unblocked Games to Play on School.

Pokhozhiye klassicheskiye igry:
-Gary's World
-Frozen Boy - Super Run
-Super Mario 1
-Super Mario Bros Star
-Super Mario All-Stars
-Duck Tales
-Donkey Kong Classics
-Mario & Yoshi
-Mario Bros
-Super Nintendo: Super Mario World

Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3

Oznakom'tes' s sovetami, videoinstruktsiyami i geympleyem YouTube dlya Super Nintendo: Super Mario World besplatno na

Теги игры

#mario, #arkada, #klassika, #piksel, #retro, #super mir mario, #1 igrok, #priklyucheniya, #printsessa poganka, #zemlya dinozavrov, #igrat onlayn super nintendo mir super mario igra, #mir super mario razblokirovan

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in April 14, 2023 and it was played 7.8k times since then. Super Nintendo: Super Mario World is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.64 / 5 iz 33 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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