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Super Nano Blaster

Brightestgames predlagayet besplatnuyu onlayn-versiyu Super Nano Blaster.
Ishchete staryye kosmicheskiye strelyalki? Togda naslazhdaytes' etim kosmicheskim shuterom. Super Nano Blaster — klassicheskiy 2D-platformer s vysokimi reytingami. Deystviye igry proiskhodit v povrezhdennoy virtual'noy srede pod nazvaniyem Pustota. Etot virus pozhirayet vse na svoyem puti i ispol'zuyet resursy dlya sozdaniya armii. Vy pilot-istrebitel', kotoryy dolzhen vypolnit' opasnuyu missiyu do kontsa, chtoby polozhit' konets khaosu. Kogda my govorim, chto Zemlya v opasnosti, my imeyem v vidu ves' kosmos. Neizvestno, otkuda vzyalsya Virus Pustoty. Neizvestnyy. On pogloshchayet vse, k chemu prikasayetsya. No terror prodolzhayetsya. Virus mozhet zarazit' vse, ot neodushevlennykh predmetov do razumnykh sushchestv, i prevratit' ikh v smertonosnykh robotov.

Super nano blaster
Vash zvezdolet Super Nano Blaster — yedinstvennoye, chto stoit mezhdu nevoobrazimoy ugrozoy i kosmosom. Uderzhivaya nazhatoy levuyu knopku myshi i peretaskivaya yeye vpravo, vy mozhete prokhodit' skvoz' sploshnyye steny i drugiye sooruzheniya. Ispol'zuyte Super Nano Blaster, chtoby ubivat' i sobirat'.

Instruktsiya Super Nano Blaster
Vy mozhete vybrat' «legkiy», «obychnyy», «slozhnyy», «ekspert» i «chernaya dyra» v kachestve urovnya slozhnosti igry. Potopite flot protivnika, unichtozhiv oboronitel'nyye bashni i prepyatstviya. Sokhranite dostatochno energii, chtoby vysvobodit' boleye razrushitel'noye oruzhiye i unichtozhit' svoikh protivnikov. V sluchaye neudachi vy mozhete propustit' kontrol'nyye tochki i voskresnut' v blizhayshem meste sokhraneniya. Uluchsheniya uluchshayut boyevyye manevry vashego korablya. Yesli vy proigrayete poslednyuyu bitvu v igre, mir mozhet izmenit'sya. Pobeyte vse rekordy i naberite kak mozhno bol'she ochkov.

Дата выхода  07/01/2022

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Klassifikatsiya kontenta
Vse Pegi 6

Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, vy mozhete posmotret' video-instruktsii, sovety i geympley na Youtube na sayte

Теги игры

#pobegi, #strelyalki, #kosmos, #kosmicheskaya voyna, #kosmicheskiy korabl, #piksel naya, #piksel naya grafika, #retro piksel, #boyevik, #pushki, #arkady, #arkadnyye strelyalki, #igry dlya detey, #besplatno onlayn, #razblokirovano 66

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in August 22, 2022 and it was played 3.8k times since then. Super Nano Blaster is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.20 / 5 iz 5 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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