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Super Cars Stunts

Kak rabotayut tryuki s superkarami?
V Supercars Racing Stunts vas zhdet sovershenno novyy gonochnyy simulyator. U nego yest' rezhim gonki s kontrol'nymi tochkami, rezhim «drift» i rezhim «svobodnogo vozhdeniya». Vy mozhete vybrat' lyuboy iz nikh, chto udobno. V pervom variante vy sleduyete po zelenoy strelke, sobirayete monety i perekhodite k sleduyushchemu etapu. Vtoroy variant ochen' pokhozh na rezhim svobodnogo vozhdeniya, za isklyucheniyem togo, chto vam pridetsya vypolnyat' tryuki, naprimer, zayezzhat' na batuty i dreyfovat' po krutym povorotam. V etoy dikoy versii Supercars Racing Stunts, v kotoruyu vy mozhete igrat' zdes', na razblokirovannoy Brightestgames, vy ne dolzhny boyat'sya vrezat'sya v drugiye avtomobili, potomu chto eto nikak ne povredit vashey mashine.

Kak igrat' v Super Cars Stunts?
Pered nachalom igry vy smozhete upravlyat' tol'ko odnim superkarom. Chtoby vy mogli upravlyat' vsemi tremya avtomobilyami v etoy igre, vam nuzhno proyti desyat' slozhnykh etapov. Kogda vy puteshestvuyete cherez mnozhestvo svyazannykh konteynerov, vam nuzhno byt' ochen' ostorozhnym. Skoreye vsego, samym opasnym zanyatiyem budet pryzhki s tramplina. V kontse kontsov, zdes' vam pridetsya vychislit' skorost', i kak tol'ko vy prizemlites', komp'yuter voz'met na sebya upravleniye. Poskol'ku vremya ogranicheno, vy dolzhny starat'sya podderzhivat' ustoychivyy temp. Kak vy dumayete, vy mozhete vypolnit' vse zadachi? Pokazhi, na chto ty sposoben, i udachi tebe!

Super Cars Stunts byl dobavlen v sleduyushchiye kategorii:
CarsDrivingSimulatorSportsBoys1 Player3DBoysGAMESDriftingUnblockedCar games unblocked, WebGLunblocked 66unblocked 76Car Games UnblockedUnblocked Games to Play on school.

Pokhozhiye igry Avtomobil'nyye tryuki:
-Car in Sky Test
-Mega Stunt On Sky
-GT Mega Ramps
-Fly Car Stunt 3
-Super Cars Stunts

Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3

Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s video-instruktsiyey, sovetami i geympleyem Youtube o Super Cars Stunts besplatno na

Теги игры

#avtomobili, #tryuki, #vozhdeniye, #vozhdeniye v nebe, #igry s oblachnymi mashinami, #webgl, #simulyator, #1 igrok, #nitro, #skorost, #pryzhok, #ostavaytes na doroge, #ne padayte s dorogi, #superkary tryuki razblokirovany, #3d igry, #3d avtomobil nyye igry

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in December 30, 2022 and it was played 7.2k times since then. Super Cars Stunts is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.56 / 5 iz 45 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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