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Stylish Fashion Challenge
Stylish Fashion Challenge
BrightestGames predlagayet besplatnuyu onlayn-versiyu i mobil'nuyu versiyu Stylish Fashion Challenge.
Spasibo za uchastiye v konkurse stil'noy mody, detishki! Novaya zhenskaya igra ot Cutedressup sleduyet za modnitsey, kotoraya khochet proizvesti vpechatleniye na svoyu sopernitsu. Zainteresovany model'yery, rabotayut u neye. Pomogite yey vybrat' otlichnyy naryad dlya kazhdogo sorevnovaniya, a zatem sravnite yeye vybor s drugimi. Vyberite samuyu krasivuyu odezhdu i aksessuary iz yeye shkafa.
Chto takoye stil'nyy vyzov mody?
Nachnite s podgotovki k modnitse s boleye chem pyat'yu predmetami odezhdy. Snachala vyberite krasivuyu avatarku, zatem pristupayte k rabote. Pervyy konkurs otkryt; Pozhaluysta, podozhdite, poka my vyberem sopernika. Idite v razdevalku, chtoby vybrat' odezhdu i aksessuary. Pozhaluysta, oden'te modnitsu sootvetstvenno meropriyatiyu. Konkurs mody opredelit pobeditelya. Yesli vy pridete pervym, budushchiye khlopoty budut legche. Do ischeznoveniya sosredotoch'tes' na kolichestve nasekomykh.
Kak igrat' v modnyy konkurs?
Kak i lyubaya igra Html5, igra dlya modnits prednaznachena dlya mobil'nykh ustroystv i brauzera. Posle vybora avatara vy uvidite temu Gala. Posle etogo vy stroite svoy garderob, kombiniruya pricheski, ukrasheniya, ozherel'ya i ochki. Operedite mashinu v kazhdom zadanii, poluchiv bol'she zvezd. Yesli vy ne mozhete, vy nauchites' i sdelayete luchshe v sleduyushchiy raz.
Pokhozhiye igry dlya devochek ot razrabotchika:
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-Stylish Fashion Challenge
Klassifikatsiya kontenta
vse poluchili 3
Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, vy mozhete posmotret' videoinstruktsii, sovety i igrovoy protsess na YouTube na sayte Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#platya, #naryazhat sya, #naryazhat sya, #naryazhatsya, #cutedressup, #naryazhatsya, #clothig, #maskaradnaya odezhda, #moda, #modnyye devushki, #modelyer, #krasivaya devushka, #milyye devushki, #parikmakherskaya, #konkurs, #krasochnyye, #razvlecheniya, #tolko mysh, #razblokirovano 77
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in October 10, 2022 and it was played 4.2k times since then. Stylish Fashion Challenge is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.20 / 5 iz 5 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!