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Spiderman: Web Slinging Race
Spiderman: Web Slinging Race
Razblokirovannyy Chelovek-pauk: gonka po pautine na Brightestgames!
Nravyatsya Mstiteli, supergeroi i mul'tfil'my? Prisoyedinyaytes' k etoy gonochnoy igre na temu N'yu-Yorka. Prodemonstriruyte svoi navyki pauka, sorevnuyas' s drugimi igrokami-paukami! Kachaysya luchshe, dvigaysya bystreye! Korolevskaya sem'ya, razmakhivayushchaya pautinoy, trebuyte svoyu koronu! Kogda vy nablyudali, kak ten' mchitsya po gorodskomu nebu i kachayetsya ot zdaniya k zdaniyu, vy znali, chto eto Chelovek-pauk. On userdno rabotayet, chtoby zashchitit' gorod ot prestupnikov i zemnoy shar ot zla, kak Mstitel'.
Chelovek-pauk: Instruktsii po gonke po pautine?
V «Gonke po perebrasyvaniyu pautiny» vy pomozhete etomu geroyu, perebrasyvayushchemu pautinu, proyti vse etapy, ne poteryav pri etom slishkom mnogo chastey tela. Vy dolzhny ispol'zovat' svoyu verevku, chtoby peresekat' platformy i uklonyat'sya ot pil i prostranstva vnizu. Ispol'zuyte men'she verevok i derzhite bol'she konechnostey, chtoby poluchit' bol'she zvezd. Tsel': proyti vse urovni! Bud' luchshim i kachaysya luchshim, chtoby razblokirovat' vse zvezdy!
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Spiderman: Web Slinging Race
Kalifikatsiya de-kontenido
Todos, pegi 4
Poluchite konsul'tatsiyu po videoinstruktsiyam, los-sovetam i prosmotru Youtube Cheloveka-pauka: Web Slinging Race na besplatnoy linii formy na Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#spidy, #chelovek pauk, #chelovek pauk, #gonka, #gonki, #gonka cheloveka pauka, #gonka na kachelyakh pauka, #gonka po stropovke pautiny razblokirovana, #gonka po stropovke s pautinoy selovek
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in November 08, 2022 and it was played 12k times since then. Spiderman: Web Slinging Race is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.17 / 5 iz 82 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!