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Teper' na Brightestgames vy mozhete igrat' v Smashkarts.io besplatno.
Gde vy mozhete podgotovit'sya, chtoby besplatno sygrat' v veseluyu mnogopol'zovatel'skuyu igru onlayn na Brightestgames.com, kotoraya yavlyayetsya odnoy iz nashikh lyubimykh igr pro avtomobili v nashem spiske igr pro Mario. Eta igra Smash Karts — eto novyy tip io-igry. Pristegnites' i prigotov'tes' k veselym i zakhvatyvayushchim dukh poyezdkam. Prisoyedinyaytes' k sotnyam lyudey so vsego mira v veseloy mnogopol'zovatel'skoy igre na boyevoy arene kartinga, gde vy yedete bystro i sobirayete yashchiki na vsekh kartakh. I vstav'te v svoi pushki vse vidy opasnogo oruzhiya.
Kak rabotayet Smashkarts.io?
Ispol'zuyte klavishi so strelkami, chtoby peremeshchat' karty i podderzhivat' ikh balans, i ispol'zuyte klavishu probela, chtoby razmeshchat' ili ispol'zovat' oruzhiye. V Smashkarts.io yest' zabavnyye veshchi, s kotorymi mozhno igrat', naprimer, vzryvnyye miny, raketnyye ustanovki, pulemety, shchity i mnogoye drugoye. Ne bespokoytes', yesli vy umrete. Vy bystro vernetes' s polnoy zhizn'yu. Prosto ubedites', chto vy nakhodites' v verkhney chasti spiska lyudey, kotoryye kogo-to ubili, kotoryy vy mozhete uvidet' v pravoy chasti igrovogo ekrana. Potomu chto, kogda vremya istechet, pobeditel' budet.
Smashkarts.io dobavlen v kategorii: Cars, Action, Driving, IO games, Ability, Battle Royale, WebGL, Boys.
Pokhozhiye igry:
Real Drift Racing
Drift Boss
Drift Race 3D
Arcade Car Drift
Happy Superman Racing
Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3
Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s video-instruktsiyey, sovetami i igrovym protsessom Youtube ot Smashkarts.io besplatno na Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#io gam, #kart, #vozhdeniye, #vyzhivaniye, #mul tipleyer, #power up, #bitva, #mashiny igry io, #webgl, #smashkarts io, #smashkartsio, #io smashkarts, #kart io, #spisok io igr, #smashkarts io razblokirovana
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in March 26, 2020 and it was played 15.7k times since then. Smashkarts.io is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.48 / 5 iz 122 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!