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Rolling Ball
Rolling Ball
Igra Rolling Ball teper' dostupna besplatno na Brightestgames.com.
V Rolling Ball vy otpravites' v volshebnyy mir i pomozhete peredvigat'sya po nemu bol'shomu belomu sharu opredelennogo razmera. Na ekrane pered vami vy uvidite opredelennuyu oblast', gde vash myach budet prodolzhat' dvigat'sya vpered. S pomoshch'yu klavish upravleniya vy mozhete vzyat' na sebya otvetstvennost' za to, chto delayet vash myach. Vnimatel'no posmotrite na ekran. V puti vash svyatoy budet gotov ko vsevozmozhnym problemam. Nekotoryye iz nikh dolzhny obkhodit' myach, a drugiye - cheloveka. Po puti vy takzhe dolzhny podbirat' raznyye veshchi, kotoryye pomogut vam sosredotochit'sya i dat' vashey legende yeshche bol'she obnovleniy.
Kak vy igrayete v Rolling Ball?
Zimoy vy dolzhny peremeshchat' myach po zasnezhennoy zemle, chtoby on ne upal v vodu i ne udarilsya o kamni, brevna, gory ili troyki. Vy mozhete vybrat', kuda otpravit' svoy myach, ispol'zuya klavishi so strelkami dlya upravleniya knopkami, kotoryye budut podderzhivat' balans napravleniya. Myach budet dvigat'sya vpered sam po sebe. Izbegayte veshchey, kotoryye mogut privesti k avarii. Doberites' do posledney tseli i udelite vnimaniye sboru magnitov i kryl'yev. Yesli vam nravitsya eta igra, poprobuyte Two Ball 3D, Big Big Baller i Slope Multiplayer, pokhozhiye arkadnyye igry s katyashchimsya myachom. Udachi!
Rolling Ball dobavlen v kategorii: Speed, Avoid, Obstacles, Ability, 3D, Cool Math, 1 Player, Html5.
Pokhozhiye igry s myachom:
Two-Ball 3D
Slope Multiplayer
Big Big Baller
Going Balls
Ball Rush
Galaxy Slope
Crazy Rushing Ball
Pumpkin Run
Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3
Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s videoinstruktsiyey, sovetami i geympleyem Rolling Ball na Youtube besplatno na Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#arkada, #myach, #zima, #beg, #pryzhok, #geroy myacha, #bystryy pryzhok 3d, #mobil nyy, #katyashchiysya myach razblokirovan
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in October 15, 2021 and it was played 4.5k times since then. Rolling Ball is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.64 / 5 iz 11 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!