
Как играть?

  • Player 1/move/balance/jump
    Player 2/move/balance/jump

Ragdoll Arena 2 Player

Ragdoll Arena 2 Player — mnogopol'zovatel'skaya igra, v kotoroy vam predstoit upravlyat' personazhami-regdollami na arene.
Pogruzites' v zakhvatyvayushchiy mir Ragdoll Arena 2 Player, igry, kotoraya revolyutsioniziruyet mnogopol'zovatel'skiy rezhim igry blagodarya 14 zakhvatyvayushchim i trebovatel'nym igram dlya dvukh igrokov. Eta zakhvatyvayushchaya igra, sozdannaya RHM Interactive, podnimayet ostryye oshchushcheniya ot fiziki tryapichnykh kukol na boleye vysokiy uroven', predostavlyaya ryad mini-igr, spetsial'no sozdannykh dlya otsenki vashikh sposobnostey i obespechivayushchikh chasy razvlecheniya.

V Ragdoll Arena 2 Player kazhdaya mini-igra presleduyet opredelennuyu tsel', no osnovnaya tsel' ostayetsya neizmennoy: nabrat' tri ochka ran'she protivnika. Kazhdaya igra, bud' to narezka fruktov, resheniye zadachi molotka, sbor tsyplyat ili uchastiye v sorevnovaniyakh po strel'be na kryshe, garantiruyet dinamichnoye deystviye i udovol'stviye ot sorevnovaniy.

Adaptivnost' igry usilivayetsya za schet vozmozhnosti personalizirovat' svoyego personazha s pomoshch'yu monet, poluchennykh v khode matchey, chto pozvolyayet vam otlichit'sya na arene blagodarya novoy odezhde i skinam.

Igrok Ragdoll Arena 2 dobavlen v kategorii:   
ActionFighting, Street-fight, 3DBoysSkillsAbilitiesSimulatorBoxingUnblockedUnblocked 76, WebGL.

Pokhozhiye onlayn-igry faytingi dlya 2 igrokov:

Naruto 3D Fighting
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Martial Arts: Fighter Duel
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Ragdoll Arena 2 Player

Reyting kontenta
Vsem, Pegi 7

Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s sovetami, videoinstruktsiyami i igrovym protsessom Ragdoll Arena 2 Player na YouTube besplatno na sayte

Теги игры

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Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in November 29, 2023 and it was played 4.3k times since then. Ragdoll Arena 2 Player is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.73 / 5 iz 30 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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