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Life On Mars
Life On Mars
BrightestGames predlagayet razblokirovannuyu onlayn-igru Life On Mars.
Fanat kosmicheskikh igr? Kak naschet togo, chtoby prisoyedinit'sya k nam v novoy igre, kotoraya provedet vas cherez surovyye zemli «Marsa»? V «Zhizni na Marse» vy issleduyete «krasnuyu planetu» s marsokhodom v poiskakh razumnoy zhizni. Velichayshiye uchenyye mira godami pytalis' otvetit' na vopros: «Yest' li zhizn' na Marse?» Vash kosmicheskiy korabl' poterpel krusheniye vo vremya katastrofy, i teper' vy dolzhny nayti yego razbrosannyye chasti.
Igra Zhizn' na Marse
Ty chistyy kub. Vy mozhete dvigat'sya, no eto vse. Vy mozhete issledovat' mestnost', sobiraya batarei dlya polucheniya energii. Yesli vy posmotrite vnimatel'no, vy mozhete uvidet' uluchsheniya issledovaniya. Moya sposobnost' k pryzhkam uluchshilas'. Vy mozhete ispol'zovat' yego, chtoby priobresti apgreyd koles, kotoryy uproshchayet puteshestviye po miru. Prodolzhayte iskat' predlozheniya i akkumulyatory, chtoby uprostit' issledovaniye.
Sovety po zhizni na Marse?
Issleduyte sel'skuyu mestnost' v poiskakh zhiznenno vazhnykh produktov i akkumulyatorov dlya podzaryadki. Iz-za nepredskazuyemoy okruzhayushchey sredy planety temperatura mozhet kolebat'sya ot +35°C na solntse do -125°C v teni. Kak sledstviye, vam sleduyet starat'sya derzhat'sya podal'she ot mrachnykh mest, yesli vy khotite zashchitit' elektronnoye oborudovaniye ot zamerzaniya. Sledite za obnovleniyami, chtoby vy mogli ustanovit' dopolnitel'nyye prisposobleniya dlya kamenistoy mestnosti. Estetika, mekhanika i muzyka v igre takzhe ne ostavyat ravnodushnymi.
Klassifikatsiya kontenta
Vse Pegi 6
Pokhozhiye igry na Marse:
Life On Mars
Martian Driving
Desert Worms
Bugs On Mars
Mars Defence 2: Aliens Attack
CyberTruck on Mars
Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, vy mozhete posmotret' video-instruktsii, sovety i geympley na YouTube na sayte Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#kosmos, #kosmicheskaya igra, #kosmicheskiy korabl, #kosmicheskiye igry, #mars, #issledovaniye marsa, #vozhdeniye, #vozhdeniye igry, #razvlecheniya, #igry dlya detey, #besplatnyye onlayn igry, #giperkazual nyye, #issledovaniye, #issledovaniye, #obnovleniya, #webgl, #razblokirovannyye igry 76
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in September 21, 2022 and it was played 5.6k times since then. Life On Mars is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.33 / 5 iz 12 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!