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Freeway Fury 3

U BrightestGames yest' obnovlennaya versiya Freeway Fury 3, kotoraya ne zablokirovana.
V etoy obnovlennoy igre Freeway Fury 3 bez vspyshki vy mozhete vyplesnut' svoy gnev, prygaya iz mashiny v mashinu na ozhivlennoy avtostrade. Zakonchite kazhdyy uchastok avtostrady do togo, kak istechet vremya! Bud'te ostorozhny, potomu chto yesli vy prygnete mezhdu transportnymi sredstvami v nepodkhodyashcheye vremya, vy umrete. Eto otlichnoye dopolneniye k zakhvatyvayushchey gonke mezhdu starymi avtomobilyami, kotoraya prodolzhayetsya uzhe davno. Uzhe segodnya vy snova nachnete kapriznichat' za rulem po shosse. Vy dolzhny peresech' polosu, idya v druguyu storonu, i skhvatit' mashinu, idushchuyu na vas. Razgonyaytes' bystreye i vrezaytes' v drugiye avtomobili, kotoryye yedut poblizosti. Vo vremya igry vy takzhe mozhete poluchat' ochki, pereprygivaya s odnoy mashiny na druguyu.

Kak upravlyat' Freeway Fury 3?
Chtoby dvigat'sya, nazhmite A i D ili klavishi so strelkami VLEVO i VPRAVO. Vy mozhete vstat' na transportnoye sredstvo, nazhav Z, M ili PROBEL. Chtoby prygat' v mashine, ispol'zuyte klavishi so strelkami ili klavishi WASD. Dlya nitro nazhmite VVERKH, X ili N. Osobennost': Vy mozhete voyti v REZHIM YAROSTI, bystro nabiraya ochki. V etoy igre Freeway Fury 3 v techeniye ogranichennogo vremeni nitrometan v vashey mashine budet sil'neye, vy smozhete prygat' dal'she i smozhete uyti, yesli vasha mashina vzorvetsya.

Freeway Fury 3 dobavlena ​​v kategorii:  DrivingSimulatorCars, Police, 3D1 PlayerGAMESCar Games UnblockedWebGLActionUnblocked.

Pokhozhiye igry:
Police Stunt Cars
Police Endless Car
Supercar Police Parking
Dubai Police Parking 2
Supercar Endless Rush

Reyting kontenta
Vsem, Pegi 6

Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s video-instruktsiyey, sovetami i igrovym protsessom Freeway Fury 3 na Youtube besplatno na

Теги игры

#deystviye, #shosse, #pushistyy, #avtostrada yarost, #avtobana, #avtomobil nyye igry, #avariynyye igry, #sumasshedshiye igry, #avtostrady, #igry yarosti, #bezumiye, #gonki, #igry tryuk, #transportnyye sredstva, #avtostrada yarost 3 bez vspyshki, #razblokirovannyye igry avtostrada yarost 3

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in April 19, 2016 and it was played 12.9k times since then. Freeway Fury 3 is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.88 / 5 iz 17 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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