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Fort Craft

Igra Fort Craft teper' dostupna besplatno na
Dobro pozhalovat' v Fort Craft, novuyu dinamichnuyu igru FPS, vdokhnovlennuyu populyarnoy igroy Fortnite. V nem yest' golovy zhivotnykh na oruzhii, skiny yarkikh tsvetov i drugiye krutyye shtuki. Segodnya vy mozhete igrat' v onlayn-igry v zhanre «korolevskaya bitva» s lyud'mi so vsego mira, chtoby uznat', kto mozhet stat' luchshim strelkom. Chtoby konkurirovat' s drugimi igrokami, vam nuzhno budet imet' khoroshuyu realizatsiyu komandy. Mesta, gde vy igrayete, so vremenem stali boleye vazhnymi. Takzhe kolichestvo igrokov na odnoy karte uvelichilos' s vos'mi do shestnadtsati. Oruzhiye sleduyushchego pokoleniya ostalos' prezhnim, no vizual'noye kachestvo oruzhiya stalo luchshe, a zvuki vystrelov takzhe stali luchshe, blagodarya chemu vy chuvstvuyete, chto nakhodites' v real'nom mire ;)).

Chto vy delayete?
Khvatayte oruzhiye i otpravlyaytes' na voynu. Vy nakhodites' na bol'shoy territorii, gde obyazatel'no naydete i ub'yete drugikh lyudey. Staraytes' dvigat'sya nezametno dlya protivnika i atakuyte yego, kogda on ne znayet, chto proiskhodit. Vsego yest' tri karty: Neudacha, Gorod i Korabl'. Vy mozhete nachat' videoigru, sozdav svoyu sobstvennuyu komnatu s pravilami ili prisoyedinivshis' k uzhe gotovoy. Vasha tsel' — ubit' kak mozhno bol'she protivnikov, ne umiraya slishkom chasto. Kolichestvo ubiystv po sravneniyu s kolichestvom smertey budet schitano iz tablitsy. Raund budet dlit'sya rovno desyat' minut, eto tochno. Za eto vremya vy dolzhny rasskazat' kak mozhno bol'she. My nadeyemsya, chto vy preuspeyete v boyu.

V kategorii dobavlena ​​igra Fort Craft: 3D GamesShootingSurviveBattle RoyaleActionMultiplayerSimulatorCounter-Strike.

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Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, vy mozhete prosmotret' videoinstruktsiyu, sovety i geympley Youtube v Fort Craft onlayn zdes', na

Теги игры

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Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in December 09, 2021 and it was played 24k times since then. Fort Craft is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 3.70 / 5 iz 224 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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