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Fire Depot
Fire Depot
Vot onlayn-igra Fire Depot, v kotoruyu vy mozhete igrat' besplatno i bez kakikh-libo ogranicheniy na Brightestgames.
YA ne somnevayus', chto kogda vy byli molozhe, vy mechtali spasat' zhizni lyudey v kachestve pozharnogo. No ne kazhdyy poydet v goryashcheye zdaniye, chtoby spasti kogo-to, kogo on ne znayet. V otlichnoy igre-simulyatore Fire Station vy mozhete tushit' razlichnyye vidy prirodnykh pozharov, pozvolyaya voplotit' v zhizn' detskuyu mechtu.
Chto takoye Pozharnoye depo?
Vy dolzhny bystro proyekhat' na svoyey 3D-pozharnoy mashine po ozhivlennym ulitsam goroda k ognyu i tut zhe nachat' raspylyat' vodu na plamya, chtoby potushit' ogon'. Po mere prokhozhdeniya igry vam budet legche tushit' pozhary i spasat' lyudey iz goryashchikh zdaniy. Vy takzhe mozhete zastavit' svoy 3D-gruzovik dvigat'sya bystreye i vmeshchat' bol'she vody. Eto lish' odna iz mnogikh igr pro gruzoviki i pozharnyye mashiny dlya mal'chikov, kotoryye skoro budut dostupny na nashem sayte. Izuchite ostal'nyye nashi 3D-simulyatory, chtoby nayti tu, v kotoruyu vam nravitsya igrat' bol'she vsego.
Pozharnoye depo dobavleno v kategorii: Ambulance, Driving, Cars, Simulator, Trucks, Cargo, Parking, Cargo, 18 Wheeler, 1 Player, WebGL, Simulator, 3D, car games Unblocked, unblocked 66, unblocked 76.
Pokhozhiye igry skoroy pomoshchi i pozharnoy mashiny:
City Ambulance Car Driving
Ambulance Rescue Game 2019
Ambulance Rescue Highway Race
City Fire Truck Rescue
Ambulance Simulators Rescue Mission
City Ambulance Simulator
Ambulance Rush 3D
City Fire Truck Rescue
Fire City Truck Rescue Driving Simulator
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Fire Depot
Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3
Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, oznakom'tes' s videoinstruktsiyami, sovetami i igrovym protsessom na YouTube zdes', na Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#ogon, #spaseniye, #pozharnaya mashina, #3d igry s pozharnoy mashinoy, #18 wheeler, #vozhdeniye, #1 igrok, #webgl, #gorodskaya pozharnaya mashina, #spaseniye pozharnoy mashiny, #igry simulyatory pozharnoy bezopasnosti, #igrat v pozharnuyu chast onlayn, #pozharnaya chast razblokirovana, #pozharnaya stantsiya
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in March 02, 2023 and it was played 11.6k times since then. Fire Depot is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.73 / 5 iz 118 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!