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Fashion Intern A Journey Into Style
Fashion Intern A Journey Into Style
Chto takoye modnyy stazher: issledovaniye mira stilya?
«Stazhor v sfere mody: Puteshestviye v stil'» predostavit vam vozmozhnost' gluboko pogruzit'sya v uvlekatel'nyy mir mody. V pervyy den' vmeste s Sofiyey, userdnoy uchenitsey izvestnogo zhurnala mod, u vas budet vozmozhnost' nablyudat' za tem, kak ona umelo manevriruyet v dinamichnom mire vysokoklassnoy mody i elegantnykh svetskikh meropriyatiy. Chto imenno predpolagayet vash plan? Tsel' etogo — predlozhit' Sofii podderzhku, kotoraya pomozhet yey dobit'sya uspekha na novoy dolzhnosti i prolozhit' put' k dostizheniyam v zhestko konkurentnoy industrii mody.
V etoy uvlekatel'noy igre, prednaznachennoy dlya lyudey s glubokim ponimaniyem industrii, vam predstoit provesti Sofiyu cherez ryad zadach i vykhodok, svyazannykh s modoy. Vam sleduyet nachat' s okazaniya Sofii pomoshchi v yeye povsednevnykh delakh. Rech' idet o pomoshchi yey v vybore ideal'noy pricheski i posleduyushchem nanesenii bezuprechnoy kosmetiki. Vposledstvii neobkhodimo provesti tshchatel'nuyu inventarizatsiyu odezhdy, nakhodyashcheysya v yeye garderobe, chtoby sostavit' stil'nyy ansambl', sootvetstvuyushchiy modnomu stazheru.
Odnako eto lish' nachalo ekspeditsionnogo puteshestviya Sofii. Vy budete pomogat' yey prodvigat'sya v svoyem uchenichestve, vypolnyaya zadachi, kotoryye brosyat vyzov yeye izobretatel'nosti i intellektu. Sofiya ispol'zuyet lyubuyu vozmozhnost' prodemonstrirovat' svoy opyt i ukrepit' svoye polozheniye na rynke, bud' to sozdaniye kosmeticheskikh naborov dlya znamenitostey ili proizvodstvo modnykh sumochek dlya modnykh vecherinok. Nezavisimo ot kharaktera zadachi, kotoruyu ona vypolnyayet, ona delayet eto.
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-Fashion Intern A Journey Into Style
Modnyy stazher «Puteshestviye v stil'» dobavlen v kategorii: Girls, Celebrity, Disney, Abilit, Html5, Disney XD, 1 Player, Kids, GAMES, Barbie, Unblocked, Unblocked Games to Play on school, Mobiles, Android, iPad, iPhone, Touchscreen, Table.
Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3
Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, vy mozhete prosmotret' videoinstruktsii, sovety i igrovoy protsess Fashion Intern A Journey Into Style na YouTube na sayte Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#devushka, #sofiya, #moda, #znamenitosti, #krasivaya, #html5, #makiyazh, #odevaniye, #igry, #onlayn, #deti, #istoricheskiye igry, #mobil nyye telefony, #android, #ipad, #iphone, #sensornyy ekran, #planshet, #razblokirovannyye igry
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in April 27, 2024 and it was played 3.5k times since then. Fashion Intern A Journey Into Style is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.11 / 5 iz 18 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!