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Dirt Bike Racing Duel
Dirt Bike Racing Duel
Igrat' v duel'nuyu igru Dirt Bike Racing na BrightestGames mozhno besplatno.
Vy popali v nuzhnoye mesto, yesli khotite igrat' v krutyye igry na mototsiklakh po bezdorozh'yu. Prisoyedinyaytes' k etoy epicheskoy onlayn-igre na mototsiklakh po bezdorozh'yu i blagodarim vas za to, chto vy reshili uchastvovat' v gonkakh na zakhvatyvayushchikh sportivnykh mototsiklakh v igre Dirt Bike Racing Duel. Ispytayte svoi navyki, pytayas' proyti vse slozhnyye trassy za minimal'no vozmozhnoye vremya, a takzhe vypolnyat' sumasshedshiye tryuki i prygat' s raznykh batutov. V igre mnogo zakhvatyvayushchikh urovney, i kazhdyy iz nikh stanovitsya vse slozhneye po mere prokhozhdeniya. V tol'ko chto vyshedshey zakhvatyvayushchey novoy igre Dirt Bike Racing Duel vy budete uchastvovat' v gonkakh protiv drugikh lyudey.
Kak vy igrayete v gonku na mototsiklakh po gryazi?
Yesli vy vyletite, vam pridetsya proyti kontrol'nyye tochki, chtoby poluchit' samoye posledneye sokhraneniye. Yesli vy sdelayete sal'to v vozdukhe, vy poluchite dopolnitel'noye vremya v kontse raunda i dopolnitel'nyye ochki. Preodolevayte slozhnyye uchastki dorogi, takiye kak uchastki s krutymi kholmami, peresechennoy mestnost'yu, uzkimi razvalivayushchimisya mostami i drugimi prepyatstviyami. Vy posetite mnozhestvo raznykh mest, takikh kak bezlyudnyy kan'on, zabroshennyy zavod, plyazh, srednevekovyy zamok, les, gorod i mnogoye drugoye. Poluchite nemnogo deneg, chtoby kupit' novyye mototsikly ili uluchshit' uzhe imeyushchiyesya. Ispytayte real'nuyu fiziku, potryasayushchuyu 3D-grafiku i vozmozhnost' ustanovit' novyye udivitel'nyye rekordy.
Igra Dirt Bike Racing Duel dobavlena v kategorii: Bikes, Sport, 3D, Dirtbike, Motorcycle, Motocross, Trial.
Bol'she igr iz etoy serii:
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Dirt Bike Racing Duel
Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3
Chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru, vy mozhete prosmotret' videoinstruktsiyu, sovety i geympley Youtube v igre Dirt Bike Racing Duel onlayn zdes', na Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#velosiped, #vnedorozhnik, #gonka, #gonki, #webgl, #tryuki, #motokross, #mototsikl, #vnedorozhnyy velosiped, #duel razblokirovana, #gonka na velosipede dlya 2 igrokov, #gonki na mototsikle dlya 2 igrokov
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in August 05, 2022 and it was played 10k times since then. Dirt Bike Racing Duel is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 3.92 / 5 iz 48 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!