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Cubie Adventure World
Cubie Adventure World
Prikhodite i ispytayte igru Cubie Adventure World i igrayte pryamo seychas na brightestgames.com!
Dobro pozhalovat' v zacharovannuyu i zakhvatyvayushchuyu trekhmernuyu igru-ranner ot BrightestGames.com, Cubie Adventure World! Otkroyte dlya sebya strannyy kubicheskiy mir, v kotorom nash glavnyy geroy K'yubi otpravlyayetsya v udivitel'noye puteshestviye po lesam, gde obitayut krasivyye, no opasnyye sushchestva i sil'nyye vragi.
Bud' to na vashem PK ili smartfone, bud'te gotovy preodolet' uvlekatel'nyy mir, izbegat' trudnostey i pobezhdat' vragov!
Chto delayet Cubie Adventure World unikal'nym?
Igroki Cubie Adventure World berut na sebya rol' K'yubi, molodogo kubicheskogo malysha, kotoryy reshayet issledovat' svoye okruzheniye v ogromnom kostyume krolika. Deystviye igry proiskhodit v kubicheskom mire, naselennom krasivymi, no opasnymi sushchestvami, gde odezhda krolika K'yubi nechasto tsenitsya.
Tem ne meneye, tsel' K'yubi — preodolet' etot uvlekatel'nyy landshaft i vyyti chistym, nesmotrya na ikh reaktsiyu.
Ne vse zhivotnyye druzhelyubny, poetomu yego put' opasen; nekotoryye schitayut yego tsel'yu. K'yubi dolzhen bystro preodolet' etot dinamichnyy mir, uklonyayas' ot vragov, preodolevaya prepyatstviya i begaya protiv vremeni k bezopasnosti. Pomozhete li vy K'yubi zakonchit' yego puteshestviye, chtoby pravit' etoy kubicheskoy planetoy?
Igra Cubie Adventure World: Instruktsii
Igroki Cubie Adventure World dolzhny preodolet' mnozhestvo trop v dremuchem lesu, bogatom dikimi zhivotnymi, monstrami i opasnymi lovushkami.
Osobenno, kogda vy prokhodite cherez boleye slozhnyye etapy i obstanovku, igra prosta v osvoyenii, no slozhna v osvoyenii. Eto kratkoye rukovodstvo po igre.
Cubie Adventure World dobavlen v kategorii:
Arcade, Ability, Run, Timing, Girls, Html5, Skills, Parkour, Thinking, Brain, Unblocked, 1 Player, Cool Math, 3D, Kids, Boys, Mobiles, Android, iPad, iPhone, Touchscreen, Table.
Pokhozhiye onlayn-igry:
Run 2
Run 3
Bus Surfers
Skateboard Surfers
Talking Tom Gold Run
Run Away 3
QWOP Olympic games
Run 3D
Cubie Adventure World
Reyting kontenta
Vsem, Pegi 3
Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s videoinstruktsiyami i geympleyem na YouTube Cubie Adventure World besplatno na Brightestgames.com.
Теги игры
#beg, #arkada, #kazual nyye igry, #unit5, #priklyucheniya, #kub, #piksel nyy, #blochnyy, #minecraft, #platforma, #milyy, #multfil my, #prepyatstviye, #sobirat, #igrat onlayn v igru cubie adventure world, #kyuubi adventure world, #cubie adventure world razblokirovan, #mobil nyye telefony, #android, #ipad, #iphone, #sensornyy ekran, #planshet
Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika
This game was added in October 16, 2024 and it was played 2k times since then. Cubie Adventure World is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.75 / 5 iz 16 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!