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Cookie Clicker 2

Na vy mozhete igrat' v igru Cookie Clicker besplatno. Cookie Clicker 2 — otlichnaya igra-kliker, kak i vse drugiye igry-klikery. Chtoby nachat', nazhmite na bol'shoy fayl cookie, chtoby sdelat' bol'she faylov cookie. Kazhdyy raz, kogda vy nazhimayete, vy sozdayete yeshche odin fayl cookie. Po mere togo, kak kolichestvo vashikh faylov cookie uvelichivayetsya, vy mozhete pokupat' obnovleniya i bol'she rabochikh. Igrayte v Cookie Clicker 2, zabavnuyu igru s avtomaticheskim klikerom dlya faylov cookie na, i poluchayte udovol'stviye, nazhimaya na etot zabavnyy avtomaticheskiy kliker dlya gigantskikh faylov cookie onlayn. S boleye chem 378 obychnymi dostizheniyami, 13 tenevymi dostizheniyami i 4 dopolnitel'nymi dostizheniyami v podzemel'yakh vy mozhete igrat' v onlayn-igru v techeniye neskol'kikh dney. Yesli vam nravitsya kliker s pechen'yem, vy takzhe mozhete poigrat' v drugiye igry s shest'yu kasaniyami i klikami v nashey krutoy kategorii «Matematika i kliker». Vo vse eti igry mozhno igrat' besplatno na nashem sayte.

Cookie Clicker 2: Kak mne igrat'?
Osnovnaya tsel' igry - nazhimat' na pechen'ye, chtoby poluchit' mnogo vkusnykh ugoshcheniy. Vy budete poluchat' bally, yesli nazhmete, i vashi kliki takzhe pomogut uluchshit' i uskorit' sozdaniye faylov cookie. Yest' shans, chto vremya ot vremeni na igrovom pole budut poyavlyat'sya zolotyye pechen'ki. Yesli vy smozhete poymat' ikh, vy smozhete ispol'zovat' uluchsheniye, kotoroye dast vam mnogo dopolnitel'nykh ochkov.

Igra Cookie Clicker 2 dobavlena ​​v kategorii: AbilityCool MathSkillsidle clicker gameSimulationWebGLUnblocked.

Pokhozhiye igry Cookie Clicker:
Cookie Clicker
Cookie Clicker 2
Cookie Clicker Save the World
Cookie Clicker Climate Change
Cookie Tap

Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3

Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s video-instruktsiyey, sovetami i geympleyem Youtube v Cookie Clicker 2 besplatno na Dlya polucheniya dopolnitel'noy informatsii vy mozhete proverit' viki klikera cookie!

Теги игры

#nazhmite, #kliker, #kuki, #kuki kliker, #cookieckicker2, #avtomaticheskiy kliker, #kliker kuki, #kliker viki, #igrayte v kuki kliker 2, #kuki kliker 2 onlayn, #igrayte v kuki kliker 2, #besplatnyy kuki kliker, #kuki kliker 2, #igry na kholostom khodu

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in December 22, 2019 and it was played 24.3k times since then. Cookie Clicker 2 is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 3.87 / 5 iz 103 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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