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Point and drag the mouse away from the direction you want the ball to go.The farther you drag, the harder the ball will be hit.

Cheetah Golf

Predmet rassledovaniya otnositsya k sorevnovaniyu po mini-pattu, organizovannomu Chesterom Gepardom.
Okunites' v zakhvatyvayushchiy mir «Chester Cheetah's Mini-Putt Challenge», igry, spetsial'no razrabotannoy dlya lyubiteley mini-gol'fa, otpravlyayas' v puteshestviye po pyshnym zelenym landshaftam. Otprav'tes' na bodryashcheye pole dlya gol'fa s 18 lunkami, polnoye netraditsionnykh prepyatstviy i prichudlivykh ispytaniy, tshchatel'no sozdannoye, chtoby otrazit' ozornuyu sushchnost' Chestera Geparda. Eta igra v gol'f predlagayet kompleksnyy opyt, kharakterizuyushchiysya elementami razvlecheniya, sopernichestva i druzheskikh otnosheniy. Eta igra ochen' podkhodit dlya obshchestvennykh meropriyatiy, poskol'ku predlagayet massu razvlecheniy v techeniye dlitel'nogo vremeni, kogda vy igrayete s druz'yami i sem'yey. Prostyye elementy upravleniya sistemoy razrabotany takim obrazom, chtoby byt' udobnymi dlya pol'zovatelya, chto pozvolyayet lyudyam s men'shim opytom bystro osvoit' ikh. Chtoby rasschitat' silu udara, ustanovite kursor v sootvetstvuyushchem napravlenii i pristupayte k yego peremeshcheniyu. Uvelicheniye rasstoyaniya, s kotorogo vy proizvodite vystrel, privodit k sootvetstvuyushchemu uvelicheniyu sily, prilozhennoy k vystrelu. «Chester Cheetah’s Mini-Putt Challenge» — eto nastoyatel'no rekomenduyemyy variant dlya vsekh, kto ishchet razvlecheniya kak v gruppovoy obstanovke, naprimer, v organizatsii igrovogo vechera, tak i v lichnykh tselyakh. Boleye togo, chto v etom deystvitel'no primechatel'nogo? Lyudi poluchayut vozmozhnost' prinyat' uchastiye v etom priyatnom opyte igry v gol'f sovershenno besplatno. Podgotov'tes', natsel'tes' na dostizheniye tseli v odnoy lunke i pristupayte k zanyatiyam, svyazannym s gol'fom.

Cheetah Golf dobavlen v kategorii:                        
SportsGolfSkillAbility1 playerWebGLArcadeCartoonsHTML5SkillKidsunblocked 66unblocked 76Unblocked Games to Play on school.

Pokhozhiye igry v gol'f:
Golf Golf Game
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Cheetah Golf

Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3

Oznakom'tes' s besplatnymi sovetami po videoinstruktsiyam i igrovym protsessom v igrakh Cheetah Golf na YouTube na sayte

Теги игры

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Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in September 24, 2012 and it was played 5.9k times since then. Cheetah Golf is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 5.00 / 5 iz 4 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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