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Celebrity Face Dance

Celebrity Face Dance – eto vid razvlecheniya, predpolagayushchiy imitatsiyu mimiki i dvizheniy izvestnykh lichnostey.
Predstavlyayem Celebrity Face Dance, bespretsedentnyy igrovoy opyt, sozdannyy dlya sovremennykh i utonchennykh zhenshchin. Kogda vy pogruzhayetes' v sferu, gde tanets i kosmetika peresekayutsya, prigotov'tes' odnovremenno raskryt' svoi tvorcheskiye i ritmicheskiye sposobnosti!

Prevratites' v trekh izvestnykh znamenitostey: Arianu, Teylor i Billi, kazhdaya iz kotorykh imeyet svoy nepovtorimyy stil' i maneru povedeniya. Seychas samyy podkhodyashchiy moment, chtoby privlech' vnimaniye i proizvesti plenitel'noye vpechatleniye, kotoroye mozhet sopernichat' s siyaniyem znamenitostey. Tekst pol'zovatelya soderzhit smayly «💄» i «✨».

Vyberite znamenitost', kotoraya vam nravitsya bol'she vsego, i otpravlyaytes' v volnuyushcheye puteshestviye, napolnennoye izobretatel'nost'yu i muzykal'nost'yu. Dlya nachala vam sleduyet sozdat' privlekatel'nyy vneshniy vid makiyazha, ispol'zuya raznoobraznyy assortiment kosmeticheskikh tovarov, kotoryye u vas yest' pod rukoy. Sushchestvuyet neogranichennyy vybor variantov, vklyuchaya yarkiye teni dlya vek i roskoshnyye pomady.

Posle togo, kak vy zakonchili tshchatel'no sozdannuyu kosmetiku, prishlo vremya vyyti na tantspol i tantsevat' pod muzyku skoordinirovannymi dvizheniyami. Chtoby povtorit' dvizheniya znamenitosti s tochnost'yu i gratsiyey, ochen' vazhno priderzhivat'sya instruktsiy, otobrazhayemykh na ekrane. 💃🎌

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Celebrity Face Dance dobavlen v kategorii:  GirlsCelebrityDisneyAbilitHtml5Disney XD1 PlayerKidsGAMESBarbieUnblockedUnblocked Games to Play on schoolMobilesAndroidiPadiPhoneTouchscreenTable.

Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3

Vy mozhete prosmotret' videoinstruktsii, sovety i igrovoy protsess Celebrity Face Dance na YouTube na sayte, chtoby luchshe ponyat' igru.

Теги игры

#devushki, #kosmetika, #odevaniye, #makiyazh, #ariana, #teylor, #billi, #makiyazh, #tanets litsa znamenitostey razblokirovan, #1 igrok, #tantsy, #html5, #ipad, #iphone, #makiyazh, #sensornyy ekran, #moda, #smeshno, #dl studio games

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in March 11, 2024 and it was played 3k times since then. Celebrity Face Dance is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.43 / 5 iz 7 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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