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3D Moto Simulator

V chem sut' igry 3D Moto Simulator?
Pochuvstvuyte ostryye oshchushcheniya ot yezdy s pomoshch'yu zakhvatyvayushchey brauzernoy onlayn-igry «3D Motorcycle Simulator», kotoraya tochno vossozdayet istinnyy dukh real'noy yezdy na velosipede.

Pobaluyte sebya zakhvatyvayushchey avtomobil'noy ekspeditsiyey: «3D-simulyator mototsikla» predlagayet bol'she, chem prosto igru; on dayet podlinnoye predstavleniye o zakhvatyvayushchikh vpechatleniyakh ot yezdy na mototsikle. Predlagayutsya tri razlichnyye kategorii velosipedov: vysokoskorostnaya i aerodinamicheskaya gonochnaya model', prochnyy i krepkiy politseyskiy variant i nadezhnyy i dolgovechnyy velosiped dlya motokrossa. Kazhdyy velosiped darit unikal'nyye vpechatleniya pri peremeshchenii po obshirnoy mestnosti i gorodskim rayonam.

Ostryye oshchushcheniya ot puteshestviya nachinayutsya, kak tol'ko vy zapuskayete dvigatel', poskol'ku igra perenosit vas v mir, gde vash personazh zhivet azartom sorevnovaniy.

Nezavisimo ot togo, uchastvuyete li vy v gonke po gorodu na vremya, sorevnuyetes' s gruppoy ili bezhite v odinochku, konechnaya tsel' ostayetsya yasnoy: ustanovit' prevoskhodstvo nad dorogoy i zasluzhit' pobedu. Kazhdyy dostignutyy vami triumf privodit k naboru ochkov reputatsii i igrovykh bogatstv, kotoryye sposobstvuyut vashemu progressu v oblasti gonok.

Pokhozhiye igry Gonki na velosipede:
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Motorcycle Racing 3D
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3D Moto Simulator

3D Moto Simulyator dobavlen v kategorii:  
BikesMotorcycleBike And BMXDrivingSimulatorone playerWebGLG A M E3DBoysKidsSimulatorunblocked 66unblocked 76Unblocked Games to Play on school.

Reyting kontenta
Vse, Pegi 3

Oznakom'tes' s videoinstruktsiyami, sovetami i igrovym protsessom 3D Moto Simulator na YouTube besplatno na sayte

Теги игры

#mototsikl, #mototsikl, #vozhdeniye, #3d igra, #moto, #motokross, #velosiped, #gorodskoy velosiped, #tryuki, #skorost, #gonki i vozhdeniye, #igry faramel, #igrat v onlayn igru 3d simulyator moto, #3d simulyator moto razblokirovan

Klassnaya informatsiya i statistika

This game was added in October 31, 2023 and it was played 7.5k times since then. 3D Moto Simulator is an online free to play game, that raised a score of 4.37 / 5 iz 51 golosa. BrightestGames brings you the latest and best games without download requirements, delivering a fun gaming experience for all devices like computers, mobile phones, also tablets. For more enjoyment, don't forget to check our Newest Games and Most Played Games categories, where you will find Top Quality free online games for all ages!

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